Go for a Walk

Go For A Walk

Change starts with a first step


At Qurio we believe that being Qurious is the most important thing.

Quriousity brings change and all change starts with the smallest thing.

Lots of small things make a big difference.

So we invite you to go for a walk – but do it differently this time.


Take a short amount of time to go for a walk. It doesn’t matter when or where. Just go!!


Walk either more slowly or more quickly than you normally do, walk differently so that you can experience a difference.

Walk sideways, backwards. Breathe more deeply.

As you take your first step notice which foot you are using. Now stop and change the foot you are leading with. You have already consciously made a different choice.


Going to a different place in a different way makes us more aware to things that are new.

This exercise helps you notice what you normally do and asks you to change that.

You will see how one small step, done differently, has a different impact





Qurio Background

Something for you to have

Go for a walk - start with the oppostie foot!