What is change?

What is change?

Welcome to four, free, one hour introductory sessions on leading change.


Session one – What is change?


Free for Standard Members & Advanced Members
Where? On line
When? 28/09/2023 - 16:00
£0 Per Person

Session one

What is change?

This is the first in a series of four one hour on line session that looks at what change is and how to lead it.

We will consider the following questions:

  1. Do you believe change is a process that keeps on going or do you believe it has a beginning, a middle and an end?
  2. Do you believe that you can personally manage change or do you believe that you can only create the conditions for change?
  3. The answers to these questions will inform how you lead change.
  4. Come and join us in beginning to discover what change means for you, others, your organisation and the wider world.



Qurio Background
Qurio Background